Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered

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The Shoes, Short film about social change made in Spain bags ‘Global Shorts’ Film...

The Shoes, Short film about social change made in Spain bags another milestone at the 'Global Shorts' film Competition in Los Angeles, USA and...

Spain reported 100 deaths and over 2,000 new cases of Coronavirus in 24 hours

Currently Spain is the most affected country after Italy in Europe, Spain reported 100 deaths and 2,000 cases in 24 hours. In Spain over...

India Coronavirus Update: 24,492 new Coronavirus cases and 131 deaths in past 24 hours

Coronavirus cases are increasing fast in India with 24,492 new cases and 131 deaths in past 24 hours in the county. In India total...

Amazon’s Alexa becomes more conversational with its new deep learning models

On Wednesday, Amazon introduced certain extensive learning based approach for developers to get normal sound experience when they are working on Alexa. The application...

Researchers have turned to Bible for better translation using Machine Learning and AI

Machine translation from one language to another language is one of the most studied field in Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Researchers are working...